It's me!

Well it’s taken forever to find stable internet, and just when we found some, the server went down. I’m sure there is some place where we’ll find internet later, but until then, the only posting I’ll be doing is from my phone. So please, pardon the errors.

Well to start off, yesterday we split up into 2 groups to work with the Dreamcenter staff. The group I was with went down to what they call “Skid Row”. It’s basically the downtown area where a large portion of the homeless population spends their time. HPC has been doing homeless outreaches for a little while now but even the guys who have done it for a while realized that it is a very different kind of homelessness. An entirely different level really. We’ve seen things that you don’t expect in 3rd world countries, and yet they happen everyday just a few blocks away from the Sunset strip. I’ll have to write alot more about this when I find a real keyboard.

The second group went to a part of the community that has a spanish majority. With only a few people in the group actually speaking spanish, this proved to stretch them quite a bit, but they will all tell you that they were really touched by these people’s hearts and willingness to try to understand simply because we were reaching out to them. On their way back to the vehichles they passed by a building with a sign that read “Church of Satan”. I don’t know about you, but that shocked me. You hear about things like this, but you certainly wouldn’t find something like that in downtown Baton Rouge.

It has already been an amazing trip so far, and we still have alot to go. Please keep praying that God would soften the hearts of people we come in contact with, and that we would be fully aware of the amazing things God is doing all around us.

Contact Josh Mastodon